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Data Server Protection: Cost Saving Tips

Data Server Protection: Cost Saving Tips 1

Data Protection

Data protection, in general, is the process of safeguarding of data from corruption, theft, or loss and its quick recovery in case of any such discrepancies.

As the amount of data created on an internet server and as such, data storage increases with technological advancement, so does the risk of data loss or theft becomes prominent. That is precisely why we must consider data protection.

Ensuring data privacy and protecting it from potential theft or loss is the key component of data protection. However, it must be kept in mind that, data protection means both data recovery in case of loss or theft as well as creating an operational backup of data so that data availability is always there. Thus, data protection strategies run on two different paths:


  1. Data Availability: ensures users retain data they need to conduct their data even after some damage has occurred to it. 

Data Server Protection: Cost Saving Tips 2


  1. Data Management: ensures administration of backup processes to ensure data safety as well as availability.

Modern data management tools are designed to help administrators to understand what is working in their environment and what is not. Thus, allows them to focus more on managing the errors and infrastructural issues, rather than wasting time in troubleshooting.


Data protection and Cost savings


Data is generally stored in a Data Centre or Server and as such, its maintenance is required for better data protection and storage. Thus, the cost optimization comes into the picture as maintenance cost for servers is always high.


Some cost optimization tips are discussed below:


  1. Server Virtualization:

Until recently, most of the data center operators used to install only one physical server per application. But, with VPS this can be expanded. Here, many virtual copies of one physical server can be used one per application, thereby increasing the operational output of that one physical server.


Data Server Protection: Cost Saving Tips 3



Earlier, multiple applications required installing one server per application but now only one physical server is needed. This undoubtedly reduces server purchasing, installation and maintenance cost drastically.


  1. Decommissioning of unused Servers:

Surveys have shown the existence of ‘comatose’ servers- servers that are of no use but are still running. Decommissioning these servers will reduce server cos as they are of no use but still consume maintenance costs. The decrease in electricity consumption and waste heat generation also decreases maintenance costs. According to recent studies, decommissioning of a single 1U rack server can save annually up to $500 in energy and OS licenses and up to $1500 in hardware maintenance.


  1. Purchasing energy-efficient Servers:

Modern servers use more energy-efficient methodologies. More efficient power suppliers, better DC voltage regulars, etc. lead to less power consumption by processors. Recent surveys show that replacing old servers with new ‘ENERGY-STAR’ qualified models can cut maintenance cost further. The ENERGY-STAR   qualified products consume on an average, up to 54% less power than older models. Thus, less power consumption means less watt-hours and as such, less cost.


  1. Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle Layout:

Data Server Protection: Cost Saving Tips 4Better Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle layouts can lower cooling costs. As the servers equipment do a lot of advanced computing, hence it is very normal to become hot. Thus, good airflow management is required. Employing lower fan speeds and using air/water side economizers can lead up to 25% reduction in cooling costs.


  1. Properly designed airflow management:

Data loss can also occur due to the corruption of the server from excessive heat. Airflow management focuses on maximizing cooling system in Data Centres. Thus, data protection also depends on server cooling system and as such proper design and management have some high costs. However, they can be minimized as well by proper airflow design. For example, adding a single 12” blanking panel can save up to 2% in energy costs.


Closing Note:


Maintaining databases, using trusted networks, keeping your system updated and correct choice of protection, all of these are important for keeping your dedicated server safe and secure. I hope that this article has answered your queries regarding data protection and related cost savings. Wishing you best of luck in your future endeavors.


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